Why Is It Called 358 Mesh?

Oct. 19, 2023

The term "358 mesh" might seem like a technical designation, but it holds a significant meaning in the world of security fencing. In this article, we will explore the origins of the term and understand why this specific mesh configuration is referred to as "358."

358 Fencing

The Numeric Code

1. Numerical Representation

The name "358" is a numeric representation of the mesh dimensions. Each digit corresponds to a specific aspect of the mesh structure. In the case of 358 mesh, the numbers 3, 5, and 8 represent the following:

3: The mesh features three-inch (approximately 76.2mm) square apertures.

5: The horizontal wires are spaced at five inches (approximately 127mm) apart.

8: The vertical wires are spaced at eight inches (approximately 203.2mm) apart.

2. Precision in Design

The numeric code serves as a concise and precise way to describe the mesh structure. It indicates the size of the apertures and the spacing of the wires, providing a clear understanding of the configuration without the need for lengthy explanations.

Characteristics of 358 MeshThe Numeric Code

1. Anti-Climb Design

The specific configuration of 358 mesh is designed with anti-climbing properties in mind. The small square apertures make it extremely challenging for individuals to climb the fence, providing enhanced security.

2. High-Strength Construction

358 mesh is known for its high-strength construction. The use of heavy-gauge wire and a robust mesh structure enhances its resistance to cutting or tampering, making it suitable for high-security applications.

Applications of 358 Mesh

1. Prison and Correctional Facilities

358 mesh is commonly used in the construction of security fencing for prisons and correctional facilities. The anti-climb design and high-strength construction contribute to its effectiveness in preventing unauthorized access or escape.

2. Military Installations

Military installations often require stringent perimeter protection. The characteristics of 358 mesh make it a suitable choice for securing military facilities, offering a formidable barrier against intruders.

3. Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure, including power plants, water treatment facilities, and communication centers, benefits from the security provided by 358 mesh fencing. Its anti-climb design adds an extra layer of protection to sensitive sites.

Evolution of Security Fencing

1. Addressing Security Challenges

The development of specific mesh configurations, such as 358 mesh, is a response to the evolving challenges in security. As unauthorized access and security threats became more sophisticated, the need for specialized fencing solutions became apparent.

2. Continuous Improvement

The numeric code not only describes the mesh configuration but also allows for continuous improvement and customization. Manufacturers can refine the design based on specific security requirements while maintaining a standardized way of conveying essential information about the mesh.


In conclusion, the term "358 mesh" is not arbitrary but rather a precise numeric representation of the mesh dimensions. The numbers 3, 5, and 8 convey information about the size of apertures and the spacing of wires, defining the anti-climb design and high-strength construction. This specialized mesh configuration has become a standard in security fencing, particularly for applications that demand a robust and effective barrier.

If you are interested in incorporating 358 mesh into your security infrastructure or have specific requirements for security fencing, please feel free to contact us. As a reputable supplier, we are committed to providing products that meet the highest standards of security and durability.